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Japanese - basic knowledge (Buske Verlag)

Regular price 42.00€
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A special feature of the Japanese language is its complex writing system, which consists of Chinese characters and the syllabary scripts Hiragana and Katakana. With this successful and now newly designed Japanese textbook, all scripts are taught right from the start.

Target group:
Learners who want to learn modern Japanese systematically and in a practice-oriented manner. No previous knowledge is required.

Learning goals:
Proficiency in everyday language, ability to read and write simple Japanese texts. Level A2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The 15 lessons each contain dialogues or reading texts with conversation exercises and questions about the text, as well as a vocabulary list and an active kanji list, explanations and exercises on grammar, and translation exercises. Each lesson ends with a test; the solutions are in the appendix. The characters handed down from China, the kanji, are divided into active and passive kanji. While reading and understanding is sufficient for the passive kanji, the active kanji should also be able to be written.
In addition, the two Japanese syllabaries, each with 46 basic characters, can be learned intensively with the exercise booklet “Hiragana and Katakana Exercises”.
In conjunction with the voice recordings, the textbook is also suitable for self-study.

Source: Buske Verlag

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